Create links with this UTM (Urchin Tracking Module) tag generator for use on all social networks including Instagram, Pinterest, Twitter Ads, LinkedIn, VK and more. This will help you track social traffic that Google Analytics doesn’t see. Hidden social referral traffic shows that you can’t rely on metrics alone – they’re not accurate.
If you’re advertising an Android app, use the Google Play app URL builder. If you’re advertising an iOS app, your option is the iOS campaign tracking URL composer. Otherwise, use this URL Builder.
Create UTM
Website URL: *
Traffic source:
Campaign Medium:utm_medium*
Campaign Name:utm_campaign*
Campaign Content:utm_content*
Campaign Term:utm_term*
Your link: Copy
Link will appear here
Simple Self-creation of UTM (3 main parameters)
Using UTM tags allows you to accurately track where traffic to your site is coming from and effectively manage advertising campaigns. In most cases, a utm tag with only 3 parameters is enough, this is how I do it. If you have a landing page and you want to track traffic from Google Ads by clicks, your UTM tag might look like this:
utm_source: This parameter indicates the source of the traffic. Examples of values:
for Google Adwords ads,bing
for Bing search ads,facebook
for ads on Facebook.
utm_medium: This parameter describes the type of traffic. Examples of values:
(Cost Per Click) for search ads,cpm
(Cost Per Mile) for media ads,email
for email campaigns,social
for social media ads,- other values such as
(cost per visitor),cpa
(cost per action),cpp
(cost per point).
utm_campaign: This parameter denotes the name or ID of the advertising campaign, allowing you to distinguish one campaign from another in the statistics system. The value is set by the advertiser arbitrarily, entered in English or transliterated. Example: vps_dlya_minecraft
[su_spoiler title=”Reference: Google Ads Dynamic Insertion Options” open=”no” style=”default” icon=”plus” anchor=”” anchor_in_url=”no” class=””]
[su_table responsive=”no” alternate=”yes” fixed=”no” class=””]
Parameter | What will be substituted for {parameter} |
{keyword} | Keyword for which the ad was shown |
{placement} | The domain of the site from which the ad was clicked – only for GDN |
{creative} | ID ad |
{network} | Where the click came from: from Google Search, from a search partner, or from the contextual media network (letters g, s, and d, respectively) |
{matchtype} | Type of keyword match: exact, phrase, or broad (letters e, p, and b, respectively) |
{adposition} | As of September 30, 2019, the {adposition} parameter will return an empty string because Average position canceled |
{device} | Which device the click came from: cell phone, tablet or desktop/portable. (letters m, t, and c, respectively) |
{devicemodel} | Make and model of device (e.g. Apple+iPhone), if the click was from a phone or tablet (only for GDN) |
{target} | The category to which the accommodation in the PBC belongs (e.g. travel or sports) |
[su_spoiler title=”Reference: Facebook Dynamic Insertion Options” open=”no” style=”default” icon=”plus” anchor=”” anchor_in_url=”no” class=””]
[su_table responsive=”no” alternate=”yes” fixed=”no” class=””]
Parameter | What will be substituted for {parameter} |
{{}} | ID ad |
{{} | Ad group ID |
{{}} | Campaign ID |
{{}} | Ad name |
{{}} | Adset name |
{{}} | Campaign name |
[su_spoiler title=”Reference: Yandex.Direct Dynamic Insertion Options” open=”no” style=”default” icon=”plus” anchor=”” anchor_in_url=”no” class=””]
[su_table responsive=”no” alternate=”yes” fixed=”no” class=””]
Parameter | What will be substituted for {parameter} |
{keyword} | Key phrase for which the ad was shown |
{source_type} | Type of site where the ad is shown: search – search site, context – thematic (only РСЯ) |
{source} | Site domain РСЯ |
{position_type} | Block type, if the display occurred on the page with Yandex search results: premium – special placement, other – block at the bottom, none – the block is not in the Yandex search |
{position} | The exact position of the ad in the block: the number of positions in the block and 0 – if the ad was shown on the thematic site РСЯ |
{addphrases} | Click from “additional relevant phrases”? («yes» или «no») |
{campaign_id} | Campaign ID |
{ad_id} или {banner_id} | Номер Ad ID |
{phrase_id} | Phrase_id ID |
{retargeting_id} | Number (ID) of retargeting conditions |
{gbid} | Group ID |
UTM tags against «dark social»
“Dark social” is a term you’ll have to learn if you don’t use UTM tags.
The biggest problem is that Google Analytics hides most of the traffic from Facebook, Vk and other social networks. Facebook and Google track visitors differently, so the analytics results are unreliable and it’s hard for the user to decide which platform to trust.
The difference between the number of clicks on Facebook and the data from Google Analytics, was noticed back in 2014, but the problem persists now.
One of the main reasons for this difference is that Facebook Ads sends people to an embedded browser after they click a link. These browsers don’t work the same way as traditional browsers. This means that interactions with content will not appear as referral traffic from Facebook, although technically they do.
The problem is solved by using an online UTM generator (Builder) for each social network: Twitter, Pinterest, VK, Instagram, etc.